Kawak (Seers) Rite
A powerful reconnection that activates your sacred sight and rewires the way you perceive
Service Description
Your intuition is your superpower and your birthright! Join me in this experiential session to learn how to read the language and guidance of your soul. You will receive an Andean energetic transmission and initiation known as the Kawak Rite or Seers Rite where we weave filaments of light in your crown and heart, connecting and creating a luminous pathway for you to see through the eyes of your heart. This rite initiates you into the lineage of the great seers of the Q’ero lineage. It is a powerful reconnection that activates your sacred sight (intuition), rewires the way you perceive (especially in times of duress) and boosts your perception. Through ancient earth based practices offered, you will learn shamanic tracking to discover how information arises uniquely within you, how to interpret the messages, how to energize these pathways and grow this innate gift we all possess.